dance• • dedication •• magic •• portret• • ikons• •poltava

Victor BABENKO - artist, independent expert-designer, cultural-analyst Scientific researches: "Researches in domain of slavonic antiquities", reconstruction "Myth' phenomenology", monograph "Culture"Logic, essays (Ukraine) Education is higher, ХХПИ on speciality "Designing of interiors, exhibition and advertising" 1986, Kharkov. 
Temporal work place: Poltava Pedagogical Universety, a. chair teacher of Graphic art and choreography (with 1994 г). 
Exhibitions: Peterburg (1990), Hmelnicky (1995), Poltava (1988) Works are in private Germany collections, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Israel, Russian, Ukraine, in private meeting of Hmelnicky's museum of contemporary ukrainian art, in Poltav's picture-gallery. In creation hears the confession principles of realistic painting. Principled does not consist not in one creative conjunction. 
